Village for Vets received a grant for their Food First program to support food box distribution. This will include paying a truck driver to deliver food boxes to formerly homeless and at-risk veterans who experience food insecurity and who live in permanent support housing in Los Angeles County. About 300 veterans and their families will receive food box distribution two times per month over the next year. Village for Vets fills critical gaps in key services for homeless and at-risk veterans in greater Los Angeles to support them on their journey to stability and independence. They fulfill this mission through four core programs that safeguard the health of vulnerable veterans; promote food, housing and employment security; and provide links to life-changing benefits and services.
Village for Vets engages volunteer, donors and other community members in supporting a local holiday toy drive to connect toys to the children of low income and homeless veterans. Also, at their annual Thanksgiving mean give away to donate turkeys and other holiday food items to more than 300 at risk veterans and their families.