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Sages & Seekers a grant to support their intergenerational program. They strives to combat social isolation and dissolve age-related segregation within our communities, while meeting the universal and compelling need of both young adults and elders to make sense of their lives. This is achieved by the simple art of conversation. Their three programs match up seniors (sages) with high school students (seekers) either in person or online via Zoom. Programs typically last 8 weeks and strive to increase empathy, reduce ageism, build relationship and communication skills and
help to define a sense of purpose.
Recently a Sage passed away a couple months after completing the program. The family had heard so much about her Seeker that they reached out and she spoke at the Sage’s memorial. Her description at times surpassed what the family had known or understood about her and gave them a gift of deep reflection of who their relative had been and their relationship with one another.
Down For Dance is a 2024 grant recipient. You’ll be hearing more about them soon! Wanted to share this interview quickly it’s so good!
Click here to watch the interview!
The foundation of Eli is built on hearts of service, from the board to the staff and its volunteers. Through the years, our focus has never wavered in sheltering abused children and working to prevent family violence. The journey has never been easy, but it has been joyful. Our board of directors, staff and volunteers have willing hearts, busy hands, and faith that rings louder than our fears.
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