The Healing WELL groups are still meeting online you can join Yoga with Wren, 12 Steps for Healing and their women’s group! Check out their calendar for more info.
Click here to learn more about The Healing WELL.
The Healing WELL groups are still meeting online you can join Yoga with Wren, 12 Steps for Healing and their women’s group! Check out their calendar for more info.
Click here to learn more about The Healing WELL.
“Families & Criminal Justice envisions a future in which the development of every person is fostered by healthy relationships, supportive human networks, adequate community resources, equitable social policies and just economic systems. The mission of Families & Criminal Justice is the prevention of intergenerational crime and incarceration.
The work of Families & Criminal Justice is based in Attachment Theory. This set of concepts explains the bond between young children and their primary caregivers, and its importance in child development and future relationships.
We also utilize a reflective, relationship-based approach to practice. In relationship-based practice, “who you are is as important as what you do.” Relationship-based practice provides for the parent what we want the parent to provide for the child: a healthy, nurturing, responsive relationship.”
Click here to learn more about Families and Criminal Justice.
On June 12th Access books had a book giveaway at 99th street school! They also gave away masks to families that came to get books today!
South Bay Village Incorporated is making sure the seniors in their community know about all the resources available to help them stay safe during this time.
Resources for Seniors from City of Torrance.
Hello Commissioners!
I hope you are all doing well! I don’t know if you know about all the resources the City has for Seniors that you may want to pass on to any seniors who have not heard.
• The Torrance Cares 2 GO – A food deliver program the cost $55.00 but is enough food for a few weeks.
• The COVID19 Senior Hot Line (the Bartlett’s phone number) staff are answering questions about COVID19 and any other questions they get.
• “NEW” Coming soon. I will share more information once the program is finalized. There is a screening process, that need to be passed to be excepted. It is the testing program for seniors 65+ (City of Torrance residents who are in the highest-risk categories are eligible for in-home testing) if they currently have symptoms. This includes those individuals with COVID-19 symptoms who are: 65 and older; and/or
Have underlying health conditions including:
Heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Moderate to severe asthma; or,
People who are immunocompromised, including as a result of cancer treatment
• The City has a Virtual Recreation site with a lot of programs for seniors who use computers;
• Attached is the information newsletter that went out to over 400 seniors. All we address on.
Well that is all I have for now, be safe!
Debbie Reed
Senior Recreation Supervisor Community Services Department
City of Torrance I 3031 Torrance Boulevard I Torrance, CA 90503 I (310) 618-2949 voice I (310) 618-2903 fax www.DReed@TorranceCa.Gov I www.TorranceCa.Gov
“Creating and Enriching Community through People, Programs and Partnerships”
The founders of RowLA were all Masters rowers in Marina del Rey. While training, they noticed the lack of diversity among young rowers in the marina waters. At the same time, they became aware of the opportunities for young high school female rowers as they moved toward the college application process.
Knowing that the sport of rowing offered fitness, camaraderie, emotional strength and leadership skills, the founders decided to create RowLA to afford these benefits to young girls in the LA public schools. Modeled after other successful outreach rowing programs, RowLA plans to start with a small but quality program and expand over time.
Founded in 2009. Mothers Beach – Palawan Way, Marina del Rey, California 90292. RowLA is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Founding Director, Liz Greenberger
For the past five years Liz has worked with first generation to college minority students in the public schools through a project called Tech4Success. She has been active in the public school system for over 15 years and was recently honored by the City of Santa Monica for her work.
In the 1980’s Liz served in the Reagan White House in the National Security Council as a policy analyst focused on the Middle East.
She is a rower and coxswain as well as a mother of three grown children, all involved in watersports.
MAPS Charities received a grant to support their core Senior Safety Net program over the next year. Funds will assist low income seniors by safeguarding shelter and purchasing life-changing medical devices, durable medical equipment and other items to help them remain healthy, safe and independent in their homes. MAPS Charities assists disadvantaged elderly people in Los Angeles County with funds for short-term solutions for critical concerns, by providing direct funds that allow them to stay in their homes, take care of their health and enhance their quality of life. MAPS Charities received a grant from the Leo Buscaglia Foundation in March 2016 and in 2019.
“Let’s give a virtual round of applause to Isaac whose been training with his older brother, our beloved Jubilee Jump coach, Daniel! Let’s give a virtual applause to Isaac, who has been training with his big brother, our beloved Jubilee Jump coach Daniel!”
Click here to learn more about Jubilee Consortium.
Do you have a story to share with IAMLA?
“Do you know of an Italian American veteran whose experience should be told? The IAMLA is seeking stories surrounding veterans and individuals, both men and women, who served in the military or otherwise contributed to U.S. war efforts since the founding of the nation to the present. Please email Include the following information: Name of the person, the war in which they were involved, and what is noteworthy about their experience or contributions.”
Click here to learn more about IAMLA.
Even though we can’t come together for classes, The Healing WELL has virtual classes you can join. Check out their calendar for more info!
New videos added this week-UCLA Athlete Videos on Handling Pressure and Preparation AND New Episodes of Doodle Duel, Art with Nancy, Procreate Tutorial, Cooking with Dyana and Great Links- 6 Links Around The World! Click here to watch.
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