Families and Criminal Justice’s mission is the prevention of inter-generational crime and incarceration. This is information on one of their projects called “The Miracle Project”
“In partnership with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the MIRACLE Project serves pregnant, jailed mothers and their families.
In the jail, MIRACLE provides prenatal, infant and child development education classes; family life and family resource management education; mothers’ support groups; sentencing and child custody advocacy; and social-recreational activities. In the community, MIRACLE serves the families of formerly-incarcerated mothers, providing home-based doula services, infant/child development education and case management. Families may receive MIRACLE services for up to 3 years after the mother’s release from incarceration.
MIRACLE outcomes include significant decreases in premature births, low birth weight babies and neonatal hospitalizations. MIRACLE mothers have decreased rates of postpartum depression, longer inter-pregnancy intervals and a 5% rate of recidivism. MIRACLE families achieve sustained reunification, with less than 2% experiencing the removal of a child to foster care.”
Click here for more information on Families and Criminal Justice.